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"Creating Characters"

A Character Design Workshop led by Kiley Clements

“Creating Characters” is a student-led workshop that aims to teach fellow Arts Scholars about the process of character design for animated/illustrated media such as television, movies, comics, and video games. Over the course of the workshop, students will begin by formulating ideas and concepts for their very own character, then develop sketched ‘passes’ and concept art, and finish with a formal, colored ‘model sheet’ that will be submitted to Artsfest. This workshop will help students develop technical illustration skills, specifically in areas like humanoid anatomy, sketching techniques, line art, and clean coloring. In addition to illustration skills, students will also flex their creativity, while learning about how to develop their own creative process through professional industry examples and personal expertise. The goal of this workshop is to have students create their own character that they are proud of, one that they could relate to and express themselves through, while also taking pride in the arduous process that went into developing such a personal character.

Capstone: Welcome
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